One of the most satisfying uses I've found for these classy bits is for attaching pulls or handles on my vanity drawers. Even a discerning manufacturer or artisan producer of hardware will ship their product to you with phillips head (booooo) screws and expect you to be ok with using that - even when the head of fasteners are meant to be seen. The pull shown below is a shop fave, the Dakota Cup Pull from Restoration Hardware... its a great pull but yes, it comes with sacrilegious phillips heads.
This is just such a huge oversight in my small world, as there is nothing attractive about that type of screw... and the phillips head is also something that was popularized in the 60's .... putting it further out of place and at least 30 years ahead of the antique pieces I work on.
You can tell me I'm crazy, but replacing those phillips with slotted screws definitely adds something that was otherwise discarded. I am happy to pitch that garbage and replace it with authentic Americana. I owe the gentleman I got these from a bottle of something....!
What size of slotted screw are you using?